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Monday, May 15, 2017

Not homework, just a reminder!

Tonight's "homework" is just to come in tomorrow ready with questions related to the worksheet we did today.

Here's the key to the classwork from today. Just check out anything you had trouble with and bring in that question tomorrow.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Last blog post for a bit...

We did itttt!

This will be your last blog post for a while...I'll definitely update with some baby pictures and info, and I'll also keep you updated on any days I'll be back to say hi! Otherwise there won't be any homework updates or anything, but check back periodically...I might just have to post b/c I miss you all so much!

Of course I am excited to start a new chapter in my life--being a dad, which is crazy--but this is definitely a bitter sweet moment. I'm excited that today's my last day of school, but I"m also going to miss you guys so much!

As I told you all already, you are an awesome group of people. I'm so proud of you for all you've accomplished and for how much you've grown. The future is in good hands with you all. If my son grows up to be like any of you I'll be a lucky dad.

On Monday Mr. Mason takes over--you will be learning some new stuff and looking at some ideas we've learned throughout the year. Stay focused and do all of your work! This should be an opportunity to earn some A's and B's and boost your fourth quarter average, as long as you pay attention and do what you're supposed to do! Don't be lazy and ruin your grade--you've worked to hard to do that now!

I wish you all the best of luck. Email/Remind me any time if you need anything!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

We did it!

Right now you are about to start you AP exam (the time on this post is inaccurate...)

And I have the utmost confidence in each and everyone one of you. As I told you today (and in yesterday's post), I am incredible proud of each and everyone one of you. It was a privilege to be your teacher this year, and I appreciate all of your hard work and sacrifice!

Tonight....relax! No more Stats homework, no more of me harassing you to push yourself harder....take a deep breath and reflect on all of the work you've done this year. Be proud of yourself. You earned that.

Please remember to bring your stamps tomorrow! We'll start class with a little video about AP Stats, then we'll count up our stamps and turn them in! Please don't forget! After that we'll reminisce a little bit--I am going to miss you guys!

You can also bring in your textbook and any calculators you signed out tomorrow so that you have one less thing to worry about!

I can't wait to see you all tomorrow! Have an amazing night!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

It's tomorrow....

Tomorrow is the big day!

We have come so far and worked so hard since our first days of the Summer Academy back in August. I am so proud of each and every one of you for how hard you have worked and all that you've learned. I have demanded a lot from you, both inside the class and out; sometimes I was a jerk to you, but know that I was always trying to push you to do your best.

Tomorrow is a huge measure of our progress throughout the year. All I ask is that you put forth maximum effort to prepare yourself for tomorrow's exam, and then, tomorrow, you give 110% effort on this test. All we can do is our best! Don't overly stress, don't put too much pressure on yourself, and don't worry about your score--just prepare yourself to succeed and do the best you can tomorrow!

Exam Info:

  • Eat lunch during period E!
    • You can either come to our classroom and we can head to the cafe, grab some food, and come hang out in 101 until the test..
    • Or you can eat lunch in the cafe and enjoy some time with your friends...
    • You must report to the exam room @ 11:30--be aware that this is before the end of the lunch period, so keep an eye on the clock!
  • Bring a graphing calculator tomorrow! Borrow a friend's if you have to!
    • Do not rely on using one of mine; I only have about 12, which isn't very many, so be sure to bring one!
  • Get a good night's sleep tonight!
    • The worst thing you can do is stay up until 2 a.m. studying; be well rested for tomorrow afternoon so you're not groggy during test time!
  • Eat breakfast and eat lunch before the test!
    • Food for thought! :)
  • You will be testing until 3:30 - 4:00! Schedule work/rides accordingly.
  • No blank questions tomorrow!
    • Even if you're stuck on a free response, try something! No blank questions!
    • Of course don't leave any multiple choice blank!
  • Read all of the free response before you start the test! Do the questions you're most confident about first!
    • Be sure to leave yourself at least 20 minutes for the investigative task! (#6)
  • Same for the multiple choice--don't get stuck spending too long on one question! If you're stumped, skip it, and then come back to that question at the end! But don't leave anything blank!
  • Keep an eye on the clock! Pay attention to your time!
    • USE ALL OF YOUR TIME! No putting your head down and quitting if you finish early! Use any extra time to look over the tough questions--and don't just look over them, re-work them out! Make sure your calculations are correct!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Last AP Stat HW! Due Tomorrow (Wednesday)!

Remember, the key to success on the AP Exam is PREPARATION! If you want to earn a 3,4, or 5 you have to earn it! Put in your max effort, 110%, tonight and tomorrow night as you get ready for this exam! (And then I'll stop harassing you about it!)

Last AP Stat HW!

Please complete the probability review (MC) provided in class (or below)! The answers are listed below as well, so you MUST SHOW THE WORK to earn the homework credit!

This is due tomorrow! See below for the questions and answers.

After School Reviews:
  • I will be after school for after school review sessions on Tuesday (today) and Wednesday (tomorrow)!
    • Work on the 2016 practice exam! You can still get extra credit if you come Tuesday or Wednesday after school (or H period) to do this!
    • Ask questions!
    • Bring your Barron's book!
    • Work on other practice exams!
    • We can do whatever you need to best prepare for our exam next Thursday!
  • I am also available during G/H period Tuesday, and H period Wednesday!

Released AP Free Response and Scoring Rubrics:

  • Here's the link to the AP scoring rubrics, by year, so you can use these to study!
  • One of the best ways to study is to do tons of free response and then score them using the rubric--with this link you can find every free response and scoring rubric (by year)!

Here's the Probability Review MC Answer Key:
  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A or C (this is a terrible question, don't stress about this one too much)
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. E
  12. B
  13. A
  14. D
  15. A
  16. E
  17. D
And here are the questions in case you lost yours:

Thursday, May 4, 2017


There is no homework for tonight (Thursday night)! Use this time to enjoy some nice weather
before it starts raining all the time and we're using that "studying weather" to our advantage! (Unless you take that case, study, study, study!)

Remember, I'll be out tomorrow--get your sub work done! Be on top of your game, and be productive! Your sub work will be collected and graded as a quiz!

HW Extra Credit Opportunity: Due Monday!

A student from Wethersfield high is doing a Stat project and needs students to fill out this survey to generate some data! Do it! Please! Help out a fellow statistician!
After School Reviews:

  • Unfortunately I have to leave early Monday so I WILL NOT be after school...
  • However, I will be after school for after school review sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday!
    • Work on the 2016 practice exam! You can still get extra credit if you come Tuesday or Wednesday after school (or H period) to do this!
    • Ask questions!
    • Bring your Barron's book!
    • Work on other practice exams!
    • We can do whatever you need to best prepare for our exam next Thursday!
  • I am also available during G/H period Tuesday, and H period Wednesday!

Released AP Free Response and Scoring Rubrics:

  • Here's the link to the AP scoring rubrics, by year, so you can use these to study!
  • One of the best ways to study is to do tons of free response and then score them using the rubric--with this link you can find every free response and scoring rubric (by year)!

Weekend Homework:

  • This weekend you must complete AND score the 2016 investigative task that you started in class Friday!
  • Here's the link to the 2016 scoring rubric:
  • And here's the investigative task in case you were absent:

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Wednesday HW! (and an extra credit opportunity!)

Tonight please complete the "elevator question" on the back of the 2010 Free Response we worked on in class! You must complete this problem in two ways--using the "sampling distribution method" and using the "combining random variables method" to receive full credit!

Today's Notes: If you were out today (or just want to look at this example), here's the 2010 free response we worked on in class--the work below shows how to answer part b using two different methods!

HW Extra Credit Opportunity:
A student from Wethersfield high is doing a Stat project and needs students to fill out this survey to generate some data! Do it! Please! Help out a fellow statistician!
Tomorrow in class we'll discuss some details about the structure and scoring of the exam, and we'll start to get into the investigative task--see you there!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Tuesday HW

Tuesday HW: (due tomorrow!)

Please complete AND SCORE the 2015 FR question (on the back of the 2016 question we did in class today) provided! This will be checked in class tomorrow!

If you have the AP Lit Exam tomorrow you can show me this homework on Thursday.

Here's the link to the scoring rubric:

2015 Scoring Rubric! Scroll Down to #4!

And here's the question in case you lost yours:

Extra Credit Practice Exam (from our Saturday session): MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE END OF MONDAY, 5/8!

If you want extra credit test points you must come to complete the 2016 practice test (and turn it in) by next Monday (5/8) after school! 
  • (I won't be here after school Friday (5/5), I unfortunately have to leave early again for another appointment). 
  • Come after school, during G (Tues/Thurs), or H period (any day) to work individually or with some classmates on the practice test!
  • Or come after school on Monday (5/1), Weds (5/3), Thursday (5/4), or Monday (5/8)!
  • When you finish, complete an answer sheet (you must get this from me when you're here) and turn it in (stapled to the front of your test)
  • I will then grade this to determine your extra credit points
  • Then you'll get your tests back on Monday 5/8

Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday HW! (Due Tuesday!)

Study, study, study for AP exams! Success on AP exams is all about your preparation!
  • Type up an outline of your notes!
  • Look over your unit tests from throughout the year!
  • DO A PRACTICE EXAM in your Barron's book!
  • Look through specific topics for review notes and practice problems in your Barron's book!
  • Download an APP! There are lots of free AP prep apps!
  • Try a practice exam linked on the right!
  • Did I mention that Barron's book?

Monday Homework (DUE TUESDAY):

1.) Please complete AND SCORE the 2005 Free Response question (parts a,b,c)! Due Tuesday!

Extra Credit Practice Exam (from our Saturday session): MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE END OF MONDAY, 5/8!

If you want extra credit test points you must come to complete the 2016 practice test (and turn it in) by next Monday (5/8) after school! 
  • (I won't be here after school Friday (5/5), I unfortunately have to leave early again for another appointment). 
  • Come after school, during G (Tues/Thurs), or H period (any day) to work individually or with some classmates on the practice test!
  • Or come after school on Monday (5/1), Weds (5/3), Thursday (5/4), or Monday (5/8)!
  • When you finish, complete an answer sheet (you must get this from me when you're here) and turn it in (stapled to the front of your test)
  • I will then grade this to determine your extra credit points
  • Then you'll get your tests back on Monday 5/8

If you were absent Friday: here's the homework due tomorrow!
  1. You have to make up your chi-squared (chapter 26) quiz between Monday - Thursday this week
  2. You must complete each of the problems below:
    1. Part d on the free response and the two MC were our classwork on Friday (after our quiz)
    2. Parts a,b,c of the free response are your homework (and score them!) as described above