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Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween HW!

Well, almost Halloween...

Period E/G: Please complete the 17 multiple choice questions provided in class; this will be collected and graded.

Period B: Please come Monday with the 17 MC, 2002, and 1998 AP problems completed. The multiple choice will be collected and graded.

Extra Credit Question:
5% of data lies below 450 and 40% of data lies above 1,085. Calculate the mean and standard deviation.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday HW

Alright, so different homework for different periods.

*The Unit 2 (Bivariate Data) vocab list is posted to the right*

Period B: Please complete the 17 multiple choice questions FOR MONDAY. I will not be giving you a quiz tomorrow; instead, I will give you the 1998 AP problem (that would've been your quiz) for weekend homework.

In sum, the 17 MC and 2 AP problems (1998 and 2002) will ALL BE DUE MONDAY. Don't save it all for the weekend! Get something done tonight!

Period E/G: Please complete the following three items for homework:
1. 1998 AP problem
2. 2002 AP problem
3. Matching LSRL to scatterplots (on the back of the 2002 AP problem).

**I've posted the 1998 problem under our powerpoints and assignments**

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Updates, updates, updates...(and homework of course)

Tonight's homework:

Page 189: 14, 21, 22, 35 (*skip B, we didn't discuss R^2 yet*), 27d-g

Otherwise, we'll have our first extra credit review session (for the unit 1 test) this Thursday. We'll have a second next week for those who can't make Thursday--vote on the poll if you want a say in which day!

Tomorrow it's back to the grind with this linear regression...and yes, I'll be checking your homework, so do it! End the quarter strong and bring that grade up!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday HW

Please complete the following for homework:

page 189: 1,3,4,5,13,15a, 16a

For number one you need the slope formula (check your book if you don't have the formula from today's class!)

See you manana!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monnnnday HW

Ok, back to real life. No more power outages. I probably just jinxed it.

Tonight, please complete the chapter 7 multiple choice test tonight (provided in class). Also, remember that you have a chapter 7 quick quiz tomorrow to start class (periods E and G)! So study!

If you'd like, your extra credit crossword puzzle is due tomorrow as well! So it's a busy night if you took the weekend off!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ch. 7 HW

Here's your homework from chapter 7 for the next few days...

Tuesday: page 160: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11

Wednesday: page 160: 9, 12, 13, 15, 23

Thursday: page 164: 18, 19, 25, 26, 29, 30

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday HW: STUDY!

Time to wrap up our thinking with the first unit (for now). We'll bring all this stuff back into the picture when we start our second semester in January, as we move into statistical inference and tie all of our content together.

For now, study up! You know you have your open-ended exam tomorrow. In addition, your take home multiple choice test is due tomorrow; NO EXCEPTIONS. (Number 39, "As lab partners, Sally and Betty... has not yet been addressed in class. Please omit this question.)

Also, the extra credit review questions I provided last week are due tomorrow for some additional test points yet. (I'm thinking a maximum of 5, but I have to look at the grades first and examine the distribution :) ).

So, study tonight. Get together with another stats peep and work through some examples; learning is a social experience. The more you bounce ideas back and forth, teach one another, and discuss difficult concepts, the more prepared you'll be.

And then it's on to unit 2, full force, on Wednesday! Yessss!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Just posted a pdf file for the take home MC test; you can find it under the "Powerpoints and Assignments" titled "Unit 1 MC Test."

Enjoy the beautiful weather today; do some stat problems outside!

Your MC test is due TUESDAY!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Back to regular school....yay for weekend take home tests!

Alright, ya'll. Back to reality.

Your take home multiple choice test is due Monday. Please don't forget this, as it will destroy your grade to have a 0 on a test!

We have an after school review sesssion on Monday to prepare for Tuesday's exam.

Monday in class we will begin notes on chapter 7! Woop!

Have a great weekend, and good luck on this take home exam--make sure you read carefully and consider ALL possibilities for each question (don't just read answer A and decide it's correct!).

Email me with any questions!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Uploads

I just uploaded the chapter 6 MC quiz (due Thursday) and the chapter 7 powerpoint (which we'll likely start Friday).

This way, you've got your quiz if you misplace it or want another copy, and can get ahead a bit if you look at the powerpoint. Enjoy!

Tuesday HW (Due Thurs)

Don't forget: PSAT seminar tomorrow! We'll address your questions (from today's stamp problem), work on some Unit 1 review, and maybe even work on our take home quiz.

Don't forget: chapter 6 take home quiz is DUE THURSDAY.

I'll be here after school Wednesday for any questions or to work on your Chapter 6 quiz.

We will also have a test review this Thursday.

The votes have been tallied: TEST MONDAY!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tuesday Warm Up: What do you want to know?

To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.

Type 1:

What is (at least one) question that arose as you worked through the SAT investigation?

What are at least two additional questions you have about standardized values, shifting, rescaling, or any topics we've discussed thus far in AP Stat.

I will respond to all of these questions during our PSAT review session, so think: the more you want to know, the more prepared you'll be for our test!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I wish I had a 4 day weekend...but 3's alright too.

Hope you're all feeling confident today after the Vocab Test.

Alright, here comes the homework assault for this weekend--but it really shouldn't be that much, because if you used your class time productively you really should be done with the entire SAT packet, and only have the Type 2 and MC to worry about this weekend. If you didn't....well, that's your problem I suppose.

The following items are DUE TUESDAY. NO EXCEPTIONS:

  1. SAT PROJECT: Complete the packet (20 questions), neatly, and in complete sentences. I've attached this document under our assignments link if you need another copy or prefer to type responses

  2. SAT TYPE 2: Simply reflect on what you've learned about your college application process and your chances to get in (based solely on SAT's). I've provided some questions for you to consider; in grading this I'm just looking for thoughtful comments. I don't want you to simply regurgetate all the information you answered in the question; synthesize this, put it together. Don't go crazy, and definitely don't write more than one page. I'd expect at least 6 thoughtful comments if you want to get a 10/10.

  3. 16 MC QUESTIONS: As we prepare for our Unit 1 test, please complete the 16 MC provided in class. This will be counted as a homework grade, and we'll go over the answers Tuesday. You must show some work to get credit for the HW, as I'm aware you could just write random letters (if there's no work).

**You should also review the answers to 3,4,14,15 that I provided in class as a means of studying, though this is not an official assignment.**'

So the way I see it, you spend a MAX of 1 hour on your SAT project (unless you wasted class time), and probably about 30 minutes on your MC. So if we divide that up by 4 days, that's about 23 minutes of homework a day. And I don't feel bad about that.

Enjoy your four days, rest, relax, have fun, and enjoy the beautiful weather! I'll look forward to seeing you Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Study! This is our first official test grade in AP Stat (until next week); start off on the right foot and study this vocab!

Make sure you can also sketch shapes of distributions and name types of graphs for categorical/quantitative data.

I've uploaded your SAT lab under our Assignments link; remember, this (including the type 2) is due Tuesday.

Also for Tuesday, complete the worksheet (3,4,14,15) we looked at in class.

Good luck!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday HW Revised! Read below!

Tonight, please complete the Chapter 6 practice quiz; 3,4, 14c and 15a.

Also, I was sent a great stats link: Check it out for some additional resources!

Tomorrow it'll be back to the SAT lab which will be DUE THURSDAY. Remember, Thursday you have your vocab quiz.

You will be given a multiple choice take home quiz on Thursday to be collected after your 4 day weekend..then it's test time for unit 1! Woop woop!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday HW

Back to business, though for you it's a short 4-day week (and we have next Monday off!)

Tonight, please complete Page 125: 25, 27, 31, 41,44

Tomorrow we'll start with our SAT investigation, so if you have not done so yet, please find the average SAT scores for 3 schools. You will need this as the basis of your work; I've not yet decided on a due date for this project (this will be your largest AP Problem/Project grade thus far), but I'm thinking Monday so that people can come to our review after school Thursday with questions. We'll worry about that in a couple days.

For now, please complete the assignment above as we push toward the close of chapter 6--and you know what that means! Test!