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Friday, April 29, 2016

Monday HW!

This weekend, STUDY FOR YOUR AP EXAMS! Good luck to those of you who have AP Spanish and/or AP Physics tomorrow! Do your best to prepare yourself to earn a 3 or higher! 

Tonight, please complete AP Free Response 2010, Form B, #5 (on the handout provided, or below).

Lastly, here are some suggestions for studying leading up to your exam:
  • Come to our after school reviews! We will have after school reviews Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week.
  • Look over any old work you got passed back, including the multiple choice you got back today, your April break take home test, and any other old quizzes and tests...
    • Review the test as a whole to see examples of correct solutions
    • Investigate the problems you got wrong--find out how to do them correctly using your notes and other resources!
  • Watch some AP Stat Guy videos to review various topics!
  • Use sites like Learnerator and online practice exams--check the links on the right!
  • Look at released free response questions at! (Click on exam homepages, then the course, and you can find all released FR and their rubrics!)
  • Try a practice exam in a Barron's book or other review guide!
  • Read through your notes!
    • Some students (in the past) have typed up outlines of their notes to summarize all of the content--personally, that's how I studied for my exams in college! You learn/remember a lot just from typing the outline (yes, it will take time), and then you can print it out and read through the outline when you're on the bus or walking to class etc.!
  • Transfer this table outlining all of the tests/formulas/conditions into your notebook!

We're almost there....stay focused, persevere, keep working hard--for two more weeks!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday HW!

Tonight, please complete the 2011 (Form B) #4 free response question provided in class (on the back of our notes!)

Then, score your response using the rubric linked below!

2011 Form B Scoring Rubric! (Scroll down to #4)

This will give us a little practice with a chi-squared test for independence! Tomorrow we'll get into the goodness of fit test! See you there!

And here's the problem:

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday HW!

We are inching closer and closer to our AP exam....10 more classes (not counting the day of the exam...)

Tonight, please complete AND SCORE the 2015 AP FR problem provided in class (or below). This is a little bit of a weird question--it's almost like an investigative task in the sense that part b and is not directly based on things we learned in class (a and c are!). However, this is of course something we might see on the exam, as this appeared on last year's free response!

Here is the link to the 2015 scoring rubric/answer key! (Scroll down to #5)

And here is the question in case you were out:

Tomorrow in class we'll get into some chi-squared tests! See you there!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday HW/Tuesday Sub Work/Tuesday HW!

As you all know, I will not be in tomorrow--so here's an outline of what's happening over the next few days, including the homework I will be checking on Wednesday...

  • Monday HW: Tonight, please complete the two AP free response questions provided in class--both are paired t-tests! In addition, after you complete the two problems, please use the provided answer key/rubric to score your response! The scored response will be checked as homework on Wednesday. 
  • Tuesday Classwork/Sub Plans/Homework:
    • First, work in groups/pairs/individually (groups no larger than 4) to complete the inference for means classwork. This will be collected and graded as a test grade, and must be turned in to the sub by the end of the period!
    • Then, work on four multiple choice questions for homework (there are more than 4 on the paper, but we did some already). Complete these questions:
      • MC #22, MC # 11, MC # 104, MC # 106
      • I do expect to see some work for #11, and record your p-value for #104
      • This will be checked as a homework grade on Wednesday!
See you all Wednesday for some chi-squared tests! 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Weekend HW: Take Home Quiz!

This weekend, please complete the 12 miscellaneous multiple choice provided in class! This will be collected and graded as a take home quiz on Monday! (each @ 2 points)!

On Monday we'll do some practice with matched pairs! See you there! Also, Monday is our next after-school review session! I'd love to see you there! Remember, each time you come to a review you'll get a raffle ticket, and a $50 gift card will be raffled off after our exam!

Here is the answer key to last night's homework in case you didn't get a chance to check:

And here are the multiple choice quiz questions in case you were out:

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thursday HW!

Tonight, please complete the problem on the back of our Coffee Shop Waiting Times in-class example! (This is a problem about genetically altered voles....if you can't find it, it's below...)
  • **This data is a little weird, in the sense that we're using percentages as quantitative data--so we're not doing any z-tests/intervals to estimate a percentage, but instead, we're using a t test/interval to estimate the mean (average) percentage of time spent with a previous partner!
    • So, sometimes we use percentages as quantitative values themselves! 
Want some homework extra credit? On a separate paper, create and interpret a 95% confidence interval for the difference in percentages of time the male spent with his previous partner during a 3 hour time period for genetically altered and not genetically altered voles! 

In case you're curious, these are voles:

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday and Thursday HW!

Tonight (Wednesday HW), please complete the two Type I and Type II error questions on the back of today's classwork!


For Thursday night, please complete the problem on the back of our Coffee Shop Waiting Times in-class example! (This is a problem about genetically altered voles....if you can't find it, it's below...)
  • **This data is a little weird, in the sense that we're using percentages as quantitative data--so we're not doing any z-tests/intervals to estimate a percentage, but instead, we're using a t test/interval to estimate the mean (average) percentage of time spent with a previous partner!
    • So, sometimes we use percentages as quantitative values themselves! 
Want some homework extra credit? On a separate paper, create and interpret a 95% confidence interval for the difference in percentages of time the male spent with his previous partner during a 3 hour time period for genetically altered and not genetically altered voles! 

In case you're curious, these are voles:

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday HW!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook--and you know I'm checking!

Page 566: 1, 19, 25, 33

Don't forget the conditions! No conditions, no full credit!

Tomorrow we'll wrap up 2 sample t-intervals and tests with some classwork/practice, and then Thursday/Friday/Monday we'll discuss paired t-tests and intervals! See you there!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Back to Work!

If you were absent on Friday you MUST turn in Friday's classwork tomorrow or you will earn a 0! No exceptions! You should have:

  • Pop Quiz: Inference for Means (Multiple Choice)
  • Identifying Tests and Intervals (Matching)

Only 17 more classes until our AP Exam! Let's make it our best 17 classes yet!

Tonight (for homework), please be sure to complete the entire front side (#'s 1-4) of the "Ladies First?" context we started today in class!

Tomorrow in class we'll take a look at a 2 sample t-test! Then we'll do a little practice (homework), and it's on to chapter 25!

If you'd like to get a head start, here's tomorrow night's homework:

Page 566: 1, 19, 25, 33 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Review Session Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is our April Break Review Session! Hope to see you there!

If you're coming, please bring the following:

  • Take Home Test
  • Graphing Calculator
  • Textbook (optional, I have plenty)
Come prepared! You will have the opportunity to use your resources to work in collaboration to do our take home test, aka start reviewing for the AP exam! You are expected to have your resources-I'll help narrow down your search and provide an additional resource, but first you have to work to find the answers on your own!

Tomorrow I look forward to working together in our first study session prepping for the AP exam.!

Over break, please complete your AP Practice Exam provided in class! This will be our largest test grade of the 4th quarter! Do your best!
  • Use your notes! Don't just wing it! Remember, studying is about quality, not quantity; take your time, look up questions you're unsure about...don't just try to finish. The more effort you put into this, the more prepared you are for your AP exam!
  • If you need a copy of the exam, you can either email me, or look on eschool--if you check your grades/assignments, there is a file uploaded for the assignment "April Break Take Home Test." Or, email me at and I'll send you the attachment!
  • Get this done! Each day late = - 15 points!
Other than that, enjoy your break! Rest up, relax, and come back ready to work hard! 

And if you were out Friday, don't forget your MC and matching classwork (due Monday)! If you were out and don't have it, email me! (or you'll have to do it all Monday night when we return!)

Lastly, here are the answers for Thursday's homework so you can use them as a reference/notes:

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday HW!

Tonight, please complete the two AP problems provided in class (or below)!

This is a great way to wrap up chapter 23--if you can do these two problems, you have a solid understanding of the main concepts from chapter 23!

Tomorrow in class we will work on some AP multiple choice about inference for means, and then we'll do some practice where we have various contexts and have to identify the correct test or interval to use for each.

See you there! One more day until break!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

When's Day HW

If you were out yesterday you must make up your vocab test before April break!

We have a MANDATORY AP MEETING after school TOMORROW at 2:10 (in the cafe). Be there promptly!

Our APRIL BREAK REVIEW SESSION will be on WEDNESDAY, 4/13 from 10:00 to 1:00! This will be an opportunity to work on our take home test to study/review for the upcoming AP Exam! (May 12th)!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook (yup, I'm checking!):

Page 542: 11, 13, 21

  • For 13D you are asked to find the sample size--you have to teach yourself!
    • Set up the ME = t*(Sx/sqrt(n)) formula.
    • We cannot look up t* without the sample size, so we use z* instead!
    • Sub in the ME (0.1), z* (2.326), and Sx (0.6824), then solve the equation for n!
    • Check out the example/explanation on page 535-536!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday HW!

If you were out today you must make up your vocab test before April break!

We have a MANDATORY AP MEETING after school THIS THURSDAY at 2:10 (in the cafe).

Our APRIL BREAK REVIEW SESSION will be on WEDNESDAY, 4/13 from 10:00 to 1:00! This will be an opportunity to work on our take home test to study/review for the upcoming AP Exam! (May 12th)!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook (yup, I'm checking!):

Page 542: 5, 9, 31, 33
  • **For the confidence interval formula, you do not have to look up t*; for the critical value, simply write/substitute t* with a subscript showing the appropriate degrees of freedom (like we did in class!)

Monday, April 4, 2016


We have a MANDATORY AP MEETING after school THIS THURSDAY at 2:10 (in the cafe).

Our APRIL BREAK REVIEW SESSION will be on WEDNESDAY, 4/13 from 10:00 to 1:00! This will be an opportunity to work on our take home test to study/review for the upcoming AP Exam! (May 12th)!

We will have a vocabulary test to start class tomorrow! This will be your first test grade of the 4th quarter, so start strong!

Here's the vocab list--all words from chapters 19, 20, and 21 in your book.
  1. Confidence Interval
  2. Hypothesis Test
  3. Sample Statistic
  4. Population Parameter
  5. Confidence Level
  6. Critical Value
  7. Standard Error
  8. Margin of Error
  9. Standardized Test Statistic
  10. Null Hypothesis
  11. Alternative Hypothesis
  12. P-Value
  13. Alpha Level (both in regard to making our decision and in regard to types of error)
  14. Beta
  15. Type I Error
  16. Type II Error
  17. Power
  18. Reject the null hypothesis (when do we do it?)
  19. Fail to reject the null hypothesis
  20. One Tailed Test
  21. Two Tailed Test
  22. Pooling
  23. Statistically Significant
Lastly, tomorrow night you will have some book problems to practice t-tests and t-intervals--if you'd like to get a head start, here's tomorrow's homework:

Page 542: 5, 9, 31, 33

Friday, April 1, 2016

Weekend HW = Take Home Quiz!

Our APRIL BREAK REVIEW SESSION will be on WEDNESDAY, 4/13 from 10:00 to 1:00! This will be an opportunity to work on our take home test to study/review for the upcoming AP Exam! (May 12th)!

1.) This weekend, please complete the chapter 22 "Inference for Proportions" worksheet provided in class! This will be your first quiz grade of the fourth quarter!

2.) We will have a vocabulary test on Tuesday! (chapters 19, 20, 21, and 22!) Here's the list so you can start studying!

  1. Confidence Interval
  2. Hypothesis Test
  3. Sample Statistic
  4. Population Parameter
  5. Confidence Level
  6. Critical Value
  7. Standard Error
  8. Margin of Error
  9. Standardized Test Statistic
  10. Null Hypothesis
  11. Alternative Hypothesis
  12. P-Value
  13. Alpha Level (both in regard to making our decision and in regard to types of error)
  14. Beta
  15. Type I Error
  16. Type II Error
  17. Power
  18. Reject the null hypothesis (when do we do it?)
  19. Fail to reject the null hypothesis
  20. One Tailed Test
  21. Two Tailed Test
  22. Pooling
  23. Statistically Significant
3.) Lastly, here are the answers to the Type I and Type II errors from last night's homework (you got the key for the rest in class!):

  • Type I: 
    In reality, men and women in Qatar have the same illiteracy rate, but our tests suggests there was a higher illiteracy rate in men than women.
  • Type 2: 
    In reality, men have a higher illiteracy rate than women in Qatar, but our test fails to show this.