Speaking of midterm exams....over winter break you must complete the take home test provided in class, or under the "Classroom Powerpoints and Assignments" link on the right! Be sure to get this done! A few points...
- Be sure to show work for all questions marked with a **! For those questions, no work, no credit!
- Don't do this the night before!
- Take your time! Use your notes, textbook, and online resources to ace this thing! The more effort you put into this take home test the more you're preparing yourself for the midterm!
- And of course, the more effort you put in, the better your test grade will be!
- This will most likely be our last big test grade of the quarter! (We may have one more, smaller test)
- Read carefully!
- Feel free to email/Remind me with questions--but I won't answer any questions on Monday, January 2nd!
- You will lose 10 points for each day this is late. No take home tests will be accepted after Thursday, January 5th.
After break we'll start a new unit--methods of data collection! This unit will covers chapter 11, 12, and 13. We will finish chapters 11 and 12 leading up to the midterm, and then you will be teaching yourself chapter 13 (experimental design) with a big take home assignment. Of course we'll discuss this more after break.
So, if you want to get a head start after you finish your take home test, feel free to read chapter 11 (simulations)!
I'm super pumped for break but I'll definitely miss you guys! Have an amazing holiday season! See you all next year! :)