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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Stat Seminar Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we have our AP Stat seminar at 9:10 in rooms 189A and 189B (Ms. Barry and Ms. Patla's rooms). Be there! This will count as a test grade (based on effort), but if you're late you'll lose a point!

We do have homework tonight/this weekend, to be check on Monday--it's all practice on Type 1 and Type 2 errors!

Homework: page 491: 11abcd, 13, 17abc, 19abcd.

If you're having trouble, try structuring your sentences (for each type of error) the following way:

"In reality ____(which is true? the null or alternative? describe this in words, in context)____, but our test ___(either suggests the alternative is true, or fails to show the alternative is true.___"

And don't forget....TEST TUESDAY!

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