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Monday, August 31, 2015

First Stat Quiz Tomorrow!

Tonight...STUDY! Tomorrow we will start class with a (short) quiz about context (just like your weekend homework). You will have to:

  • Identify which variables were collected and whether they're quantitative (with units) or categorical
  • Describe/identify the sample and sample size
  • Determine who conducted the study and when
  • Identify why the study was conducted
  • How was the information collected? (experiment, survey, observational study).
Then we'll start to explore graphical displays and quantitative data--some math! Woohoooo!

Period A: We have the STAR test tomorrow in the library (math "mini" lab, by the water fountain). We will take the quiz outline above on Wednesday.

And lastly, in case you were out or lost yours, here are the answers to the weekend homework (so you can study). (The questions are provided in Friday's blog post):

Analyzing Context: Answer Key
1.       Medical researchers…
a.       Who conducted the study?
Medical researchers at a large city hospital
b.      When and where did this study take place?
In a large city, 1998-2000
c.       What data is being collected? What variables are being measured?
Mother’s Age (quantitative; years)
Number of weeks the pregnancy lasted (quantitative; weeks)
Type of birth (categorical)
Level of prenatal care mother had (categorical)
Birth weight of baby (quantitative; pounds/ounces)
Sex of baby (categorical)
Whether baby exhibited health problems (categorical)
d.      Why is the data being collected?
To investigate the impact of prenatal care on newborn health.
e.      How was the data collected?
Observational study; kept track of/recorded data from 882 births
2.       State Education Department
a.       Who conducted the study?
State Education Department/local schools
b.      When and where did this study take place?
In some state, not stated when
c.       What data is being collected? What variables are being measured?
Age (quantitative; years)
Race/ethnicity (categorical)
Days absent (quantitative; number of days)
Current grade level (categorical)
Standardized reading/math test scores (quantitative; points)
Disabilities/special education needs (categorical)
d.      Why is the data being collected?
Required by the State Education Department (to keep records on students)
e.      How was the data collected?
Observational study; kept track of/recorded data from all students
3.       Start-Up Company
a.       Who conducted the study?
A start-up company
b.      When and where did this study take place?
In the U.S., not stated when
c.       What data is being collected? What variables are being measured?

Name (categorical)                                        
ID number (categorical)
Region of the country (categorical)
Date of last purchase (categorical)
Amount of purchase (quantitative; $)
Item purchased (categorical)

d.      Why is the data being collected?
To build a database of customer and sales information.
e.      How was the data collected?
Observational study; recorded customer information as they made each purchase
4.       Gallup Poll
a.       Who conducted the study?
b.      When and where did this study take place?
America, first quarter of 1999
c.       What data is being collected? What variables are being measured?
Voter’s region (categorical)
Age (quantitative; years)
Party affiliation (categorical)
Whether or not person voted in 1998 election (categorical)
d.      Why is the data being collected?
To gauge/explore whether people vote or not, and if voting is related to age/party/region.
e.      How was the data collected?
            Survey (Americans contacted/questioned via telephone)
5.       Scientists…
a.       Who conducted the study?
Scientists at a major pharmaceutical firm
b.      When and where did this study take place?
Not stated (U.S.?)
c.       What data is being collected? What variables are being measured?
Patient condition using a cold severity scale (categorical if they plan to group patients by the severity of their cold; quantitative if they plan to use this data to find an average cold severity rating)
d.      Why is the data being collected?
To test the effectiveness of an herbal compound to treat the common cold.
e.      How was the data collected?

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