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Friday, September 12, 2008


One thing--check out people's comments if they leave them. And leave your own! If you have questions, here's a good place to ask. I'll write a response ASAP, and it's then there for everyone to see. And don't worry, your post can be anonymous if you like! There's already been one good question about center vs. spread.


Anonymous said...

have you ever considered looking at the course load of your AP Stat students then giving them homework accordingly. i swear senior year make me feel like dropping out of school. what's up with you teachers, man?

Anonymous said...

sorry, that should be makes*

Fred Carofano said...

Although I do understand where you're coming from, I honestly don't believe I've given you a strikingly heavy homework assignment (yet). The key is to really learn how to budget your time among all your classes. If I were to give you less homework because of your other classes, wouldn't I be shortchanging statistics for other subjects? And by now you should know that I consider math to be the almighty. I do your homework problems as well, and so I have some understanding of the time commitment they require. I appreciate the comment and we'll work together so that you don't have to drop out.