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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Back to Work!

Time for a loooong stretch of school....we have one break, April vacation, between us and the AP exam. Get ready for a bunch of 5 day weeks (after this one)....time to get back into the school routine.

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 314: 7, 35
  • 7 is an experiment, so you need to identify the (b) subjects, (c) factors/levels, (d) treatments, (e) response variable, (f) design (blocked or randomized?), (g) blind or double blind or neither? and (h) what conclusions can we draw?
  • For 35, your task is design an experiment...
    • You can either write a procedure (with numbered steps)
    • OR you can draw a diagram, as we did in class
Tomorrow we'll keep talking about experiments. Keep the following dates in mind:

Friday: Chapter 13 Vocab Quiz

Tuesday: Unit Exam: Methods of Data Collection (Simulations, Sample Surveys, Experiments, Observational Studies--chapters 11-13)

Wednesday: Unit Vocab Exam (Matching): (chapters 11-13)

# 35 Help) In Period F we designed an experiment to test if the "limitless drug" (a pill you take that allows you to use more of your brain) is effective. Check out the diagram and notes about experiments below. This was the most detailed one of the day.

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