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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday HW:

Please complete the handout provided in class--some more review of graphical displays and a 2 sample t-test! Enjoy!

Just in case you lost it, the problems are below...

An experiment is run to test whether daily stimulation of specific reflexes in young infants will lead to earlier walking. Twenty infants were recruited through a pediatrician's service, and were randomly split into two groups of ten. One group received the daily stimulation while the other was considered a control group. The ages (in months) at which the infants first walked alone were recorded:

With Stimulation of Reflexes:     10, 12, 11, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 11.5, 11, 12, 11.5

Control:     10, 13, 12, 11, 11.5, 11.5, 12.5, 12, 11.5, 11

1. Use an appropriate display for the data below and compare the distributions.
2. Does either have any outliers? Show the appropriate math that led to your conclusion:
3. Does the data suggest a significant difference in the age at which first steps were taken for these two groups?

Monday, April 29, 2013

Let the review begin!

And so it begins...we only have one more Monday class before the AP exam!

Tonight, please begin our review by completing the handout provided in class (which starts with some data about Hebron and Andover...)

It's your job to make sure you study--if you don't know how to do something for these assignments, I expect you to look it up (or come after school). Of course we'll answer any remaining questions in class, but you should be doing some research independently.

Make use of the review links I have over there, too! ----------------------------->

Friday, April 26, 2013


This weekend your job is to study for Monday's test!
(Period H: some of you need to finish the 3 multiple choice provided in class)

Test Monday:
1. One free-response regarding a chi-squared test for independence (you need to show hypotheses, conditions, math, conclusion...)
2. 4 Multiple choice regarding all of Chi-squared (expected values, finding chi-squred for a GOF test, etc.)

Let's raise that class average so we don't have to take a 2-day exam as our final after the AP test! Let's meet our goal! This is on all of us as individuals--if we don't all do our part, study, and improve, we can't reach our goal!

I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow for the last Saturday Session @ 8:00 am!

And finally, enjoy the nice weather! We have 9 more class periods until the AP exam--that means 7ish days of review (and 2 of chapter 27), and only 8 more nights of homework!

Now's the time to start studying! Make yourself, me, and EHHS proud on May 10th!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday HW & Test Monday!

Another beautiful day for you to enjoy by doing some Stats homework outside!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook (regarding Chi-Squared tests for homogeneity and independence): (this is most likely your last homework from the book--for real this time!)

Page 631: 17, 21, 31, 33

Test Monday! We NEED to do well on this to raise our class averages to our goal! Study, study, study!

You have 2 test sections over the span of 25 minutes on Monday:
1. 4 multiple choice regarding all types of chi-squared tests
2. 1 free response regarding chi-squared test for independence

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday HW

1. Go outside!

2. Please complete the 2008 "Moose" problem! Enjoy!

3. More chi-squared tests for independence tomorrow...once we learn that, we review!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday HW:

Hopefully we got those "first day back" vibes out of our systems and are ready to be super productive...I know I was off my game yesterday, but I'm ready for 12 more classes of hard work before the AP exam!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:

Homework Due Wednesday:

Page 628: 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11a-d

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday HW

Back to work! And the countdown to the AP exam is on! Only 13 more classes!

A couple announcements...
1. Saturday Review Session is THIS SATURDAY! (@ 8:00 am)
2. Get in your permission slips for the AP exam "field trip" if you haven't yet!
3. All AP Stats make-up is due THIS FRIDAY!
4. Next week will start our review sessions--there will be 6 (Mon, Wed, Thursday for the next 2 weeks).

Homework Due Wednesday:
Page 628: 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11a-d

Friday, April 12, 2013

Break time!

When we get back we'll have only 14 classes before the AP exam....I can't believe how close we are....

For now, rest up. Enjoy your week off. Give your brain a break (it'll do plenty of work when we're back). Go out with your friends and enjoy the nice weather. Play outside. Be outside or with real people more than you're on social networking sites.

And in the midst of all that, don't forget your take home exam! As I said in class, the test category is 35% of your final grade--and this will definitely be our biggest test grade before May 10th (and maybe the only one!) That means if you get a 0, the best grade you can earn (until the next test) is a 65! Which means it'll be nearly impossible for your class to raise their average and meet our goal!

If you lost your test you can find it under our classroom assignments and resources, entitled, "April Break Take Home Test." No excuses!

Want extra credit on your take home test? I'll give you +2 points if you look up the 2006 AP problem (regarding a paired T-Test) and write down the ENTIRE correct response, and another +2 if you add information about how this was scored! (I need super detail; if it look lazy, no extra credit).

See you all Monday after vacation! We all need this break, I think....but I'll also miss you guys!

And of course, email with any questions...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Break is sooooo close... Paired T-Tests!

Tonight, please complete the 2 AP problems provided in class--2009 #4 and #5! Feel free to check your answers using the link below...

Also, remember that your AP exam permission slips are due tomorrow!

See you tomorrow for our last class before April break!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday HW!

Although the week seems to be one of the slowest moving of all time, we're down to 2 days before our April break....

Tonight, please finish the Stat Rap assignment provided in class. (If you're in period E and read this, you can just do the Stat Rap assignment and not worry about #12).

Remember, your job is to choose 12 Stats references and explain what they mean in the context of the song. Try to go beyond just writing a definition, and instead focus on interpreting what a lyric means using the definiition.

Good luck!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Looks like it's going to be another beautiful day! Do your Stats homework outside!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 567: 7, 17, 21, 23

Also--Saturday Session permission slips are due tomorrow! And our mandatory AP meeting is after school tomorrow!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday HW

Only 5 days until we get a week off to rest and rejuvenate our brains!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:
Page 566: 3, 5, 11, 25

Also, don't forget....
1. Saturday Permission Slips Due Weds.

2. AP Exam field trip forms due Friday.
3. Mandatory meeting this Weds in the cafe, after school

Friday, April 5, 2013

Weekend HW, Fourth Quarter Changes, Beautiful Weather...

Make sure you go outside! Do some Stats multiple choice in the grass and enjoy the beautiful spring weather we're supposed to have! Go for a hike, sit on a rock, and think about life, the universe, and everything. (And do Stats!) No social networking this weekend, go live life!

Weekend Homework:
Please complete the 30 multiple choice provided in class (all regarding chapter 23). If you lost yours you can find it uploaded under our classroom assignments and entitled, "Chapter 23: 30 MC."

This is a 30 point grade! No more late work! If you forget Monday, you'll lose 10 points if you hand it in Tuesday. You'll lose 10 more if it's handed in Wednesday. After that, none will be accepted.

4th Quarter Changes:
1. No more stamps (until after the AP Exam)! Each class will begin with a short (2-3 question) multiple choice quiz as we prepare for the AP Exam.
2. Late work will be strongly penalized, and not accepted after 2-3 days. No more of that.
3. I will check every homework assignment.
4. I will grade the majority of your work!

This is the home stretch to the test! I'm requiring you all to step up your game and try/work harder than you have all year. It's only fair that I do the same, so the next month will be tough for all of us. I'll have more to grade and will do so more efficiently. And you will have the challenge of a rigorous workload, while raising your class average.

I would not issue such a challenge if I didn't have the utmost faith you could all succeed. I know if we work hard we can all do well on this exam and make ourselves and EHHS proud!

Other Reminders:
  • Saturday Session permission slips due Weds 4/10
  • AP Exam field trip forms due Friday 4/12.
  • Mandatory AP meeting Weds, 4/10 after school

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday HW

Tonight, please complete the two AP problems provided in class!

*2009 problem deals with a 2 proportion z-test
*2008 problem deals with the "find sample size" stuff we talked about today!

Also, don't forget--QUIZ tomorrow! (7 multiple choice regarding T Tests/Intervals!) This, along with your homework, will be the first grades of the fourth quarter!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday HW

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:
Page 544: 21, 31, 35b, 13d, 14d

Also, we will have a 7 question multiple chioce quiz tomorrow (all on chapter 23). This is your first grade of the fourth quarter (the challenge is on)--so study tonight!

**If you were absent today, you're still taking this quiz! So grab someone's notes or read chapter 23 about the t-distribution!**
  • Read page 522-525 (t-distribution) and page 535-536 (sample size)

And a few other reminders:
  • Saturday Session Forms due Wednesday, April 10th
  • Mandatory after-school meeting Wednesday, April 10th
  • Permission slips for the AP exam due Friday, April 12th
  • Stamps due tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday HW

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 541: 33, 11b-d, 15ac, 17acd


Monday, April 1, 2013

2 Weeks Until April Break...

It's going to be a busy 2 weeks. We have 5 chapters left to cover, and only 22.5 days of class left before the AP exam. Do the math; that gives us about 4 days per chapter (if we didn't review at all). Of course we want some time to review, so our goal is 3 days per chapter.

Our goal is to finish (at least) chapters 23, 24, and 25 before break. You will likely have a take home-exam on this unit over break.

So that's the plan/goal until then.

In the short term, here's tonight's homework:
Page 541: 5, 9, 11a, 13a-c, 15b

*When you check the conditions, you need to check:
1. Random sample (same as always)
2. 10% Condition (same as always)
3. We want our sample distribution to be unimodal and symmetric, unless the sample is large (check a histogram of the data and sketch it on your paper (unless it's provided))