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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Summer!

Yoooo! Hopefully you're all enjoying your summer to this point, whether you be traveling, making money, or just enjoying some quality time with friends. Luckily, I have good news. Your AP Stat summer assignment is in the works! Whenever you need a break from video games, eating fast food, watching movies, and whatever else you crazy kids do, you can hit up this fantastic math voyage.

Seriously though. You've all decided to step up this year; your transition to AP is like that of "going pro" in sports. As your teacher, I have made a commitment to you all to offer my utmost efforts toward your success. As a student, you've committed to putting in the necessary time and effort to succeed at a higher level. The road ahead will surely be challenging, but the rewards are great--cash, prizes, college credit, pride, and a massive high five from me after the AP test.

You are responsible for completing the soon-to-be-attached summer-assignment. The great thing about AP Stat is that we're all starting on equal footing; your algebra, geometry, and calculus knowledge will not determine your success in this course. With this first assignment, you have the opportunity to begin on excellent footing. Do it up.

"The ink of a scholar
Is worth 1,000 times more
Than the blood of a martyr."
-Lupe Fiasco

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