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Monday, April 18, 2011

Vacation HW

Get that take home test done! This is your first opportunity as we prepare for the AP exam; do your best. I recommend you sit down, time yourself for 90 minutes, and try the exam with the same time constraints you'll have on May 11th. Of course since this is a take home test you should then go back, make corrections, and use your notes/textbook to figure out anything you left over and to check your work. As we push forward all of these activities will of course carry weight toward your grade (and the majority of your fourth quarter will be on these pre-AP exam activities), but their primary function is to prepare you for the test. You won't learn anything if you don't put your best effort forward and try to recreate the AP exam environment. I'm looking forward to getting back next Monday for our LAST 13 DAYS OF CLASS BEFORE THE EXAM! It's crunch time! It's going to be a pretty tough 3 weeks!

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