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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

We're baaaaack! (Lot's of updates)

First, the following updates:

  1. There will be a quiz tomorrow! Make sure you know how to identify explanatory/response variables, interpret slope and y-intercept, find a regression equation given the data, describe an associatoin/correlation, and evaluate if a linear model is appropriate (residual plot, quantitative variables, outlliers).

  2. There will be an after school review tomorrow for extra credit on test 1.

  3. The vocab test will be Monday, 11/14.

  4. Stamps are due Tuesday 11/15. These must be stapled and counted, with the total written on the front. If I recount and your total is not exact I will throw away all stamps.

Homework for your quiz and the Bivariate Data Summary worksheet. (I've posted the answers under powerpoints and assignments so you can be ready for the quiz!)

The 17 MC previously assigned are due by Monday (if you have it done, please give it to me earlier so I can get it graded!)

I've also posted our most current powerpoint, the Bivariate Data Summary worksheet, and the Regression Topics to Know under our powerpoints and assignments.

Back to work!

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