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Friday, February 17, 2017

February Break = Midterm Exam Reflection!

First and foremost, enjoy your break! Rest up, relax, spend some time with friends and family, and DO YOUR TAKE HOME TEST!

When we come back (next Weds.) we'll be starting the best stuff in AP Stat--confidence intervals and hypothesis tests! We'll also be starting a long string of 5 day weeks (until April break), so come back recharged and ready to work!

This weekend please complete the "Midterm Exam Review" assignment provided in class (on Thursday)!

  • If you were absent Thursday and Friday you will need your actual midterm, so you will have to do this assignment when you return
  • If you have any questions about your answers feel free to send me a Remind message or email!
  • If you need any of the documents (the actual assignment, multiple choice hints, or FR rubric) you must email me and I'll send an attachment:!
    • Losing your papers is not an acceptable reason to not turn this in Weds.!
  • You will lose points for any day this is late!
  • Remember, this test grade is entirely based on effort! The more effort you put in the better you prepare yourself for the AP exam, and the more likely it is you get a 100% on a test!
***Important: Be sure to read below.***
  • There is an error on question 2 of the multiple choice; the correct answer is B!
    • If you put "B" originally please be sure to send me an email/Remind or come see me on Monday--this likely would not change your midterm grade because the midterm was scored on a curve, not the raw score....
    • However, since I made a mistake, I think it is only fair to award you extra credit--I cannot change your midterm grade, but I will award 2 points EC on your final exam so that your final grade is "balanced out."
    • I am SOOOOO sorry for this error; I feel pretty bad about it...
    • Be honest!
Finally, if you did not fully complete your homework from Thursday night (p. 429: 15 and 41ac), you can do so over break and show me Wednesday:
  • 15: CHECK CONDITIONS and do the sampling distribution math (normalcdf and shaded model)
  • 41a: just normalcdf( and shaded model (not a sampling distribution question)
  • 41c: CHECK CONDITIONS and do the sampling distribution math (normalcdf and shaded model)

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