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Thursday, January 7, 2010

It feels like my brain is melting.

Hey guys...I'm sorry I'm not there today. I'm not a doctor, but I think my eyes are on the verge of explosion. I don't know if you've ever head a literally-blinding migraine (well, I hope you haven't), but it's no fun. No, I am not playing Modern Warfare 2. Every day we have left is absolutely crucial with the AP Exam fast approaching (May 4th!).

In fact, I just saw that we have our first registration meeting during H period on February 10th. After our midterm, it'll be AP time before you know it.

Before we get there though, we have our Saturday session in 2 days! WEAR EHHS GEAR OR SCHOOL COLORS! There will be kids from many other schools, so we need to rep. Not only that, but there will be lots of lost people (potentially), and it would be incredibly helpful if they knew who to ask. It's official--if you show up Saturday in EHHS garb, extra credit.

Please try your best on the assignment. I know it's tough, and honestly it was my only option as anticipated being in school. If you can get this done through your own research, it will not only be an incredibly test for college, but I will truly be impressed. Good luck.

1 comment:

heather said...

I hope you feel better...i know what it feels like when you think your head is going to implode...thats why im out sick today...