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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving HW

So the Thanksgiving take home quiz is due Monday (and uploaded under our resources and assignments)...

Here's the writing template for some procedure help...
1. Generate ___ digit random integers from ____ to ____.
2. Let _____ represent _____.... (define what numbers represent which categories)
3. Generate random integers until (provide a stopping rule!)
4. Record.... (what data should I record from my simulation?)
5. Repeat. Conduct ____ trials

And here are some HINTS:
  • If you use numbers 01-50 you will have to ignore any numbers over 50; therefore, I recommend you either use 0-9 or 00-99
  • To do that, many of you like percentages...
    • Well, 5 people out of 50 win $200 so that's 5/50 or 10%.
    • 15 people out of 50, or 30% win $100....
    • And so on....
    • Now you have percentages which will make your breakdowns easier!
  • Also, this contest is done without replacement. That means once you use a number, it's out (for instance, if you draw a "3", then you cannot have another person win with a "3")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In what cases should you ingnore repeats??