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Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Are you studying for the AP Exam? How?

Tonight, please complete Quiz B and Quiz C; you have 2 t-tests to complete, and 2 "find sample size" questions. Many of us do not have the program for these questions yet (as Nawaz and Matt work to perfect it), so you'll have to do the math by hand!

Here are the steps to solve for n (if you're stuck with the algebra):
**Check out the yellow box on page 536 of your book for a different approach than the one below**
  1.  Set up your ME equation using the ME (margin of error) formula
  2. Divide both sides by z*
  3. Cross multiply (remember, you can put any number over 1)
  4. Divide both sides by the coefficient to sqrt(n)
  5. Square both sides
 And lastly, if you don't have the homework problems, here they are!

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