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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday HW!

Tonight please complete the following in your textbook--more problems like last night!

Page 382: 17, 19, 21

  • Create a probability distribution
    • Remember: read the question to determine what your "outcomes" will be
      • For example, if the question asks us to find the expected number of children, then we want to list "number of children" as our outcomes!
    • Then, calculate the probabilities of each outcome--that's the hard part!
    • Finally, remember to show work when calculating expected value, but use your graphing calculator to actually calculate expected value (mean) and standard deviation!

Tomorrow we'll get back to work with shifting, rescaling, and combining random variables! We'll also bring back the Normal model a bit--see you there!

And remember, VARIANCES ALWAYS ADD! :)


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