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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We made it!

As we speak, better put, as you read, I'm sitting with knots in my stomach as you all tear through the AP exam. Can you believe it's here? This year seems like it's gone so fast to me...and to be honest, I'm a little sad about that. I've truly enjoyed my opportunity with all of you this year. You've proven to be an incredible group of young adults, and have only cemented my belief with the turnout we've had for our past three reviews. As last year's students will tell you, I thought extremely highly of them--they set the bar very high, and coming into this year, I was tentative to see if those expectations could be met. You have all far exceeded all expectations, and I truly thank you for all of your hard work.

Although we still have some work to do, the remaining days will be a little more fun. We'll have the opportunity to explore any topics you've found interesting, and hopefully watch some entertaining videos/presentations.

I know you all are doing well. I wish you the best of luck, and no matter what happens, I'm incredibly proud of each and every AP Statistics student. Without you all I would never win any awards or find any praise--thanks again!

As for tomorrow, you'll be watching Numb3rs--at the beginning of class, Dr. Kenney (Math Dep't Head) will be coming in to talk to you. On Thursday and Friday, during periods C,E,F, potential EHHS teachers will be coming in for a model lesson, and he'll be giving you different roles to play. You should be honored that you've been chosen to be the "test" class. This shows a level of trust in you from administration, something you surely deserve. I expect you will all be at your best.

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