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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday HW

Good work today! Well, B period at least. Other classes haven't happened yet.

Your homework tonight is page 39: 19, 23, 27, 37.

Tomorrow in class I'll check both this problem set as well as the weekend's (see below), and so you'll have a double homework grade (4 points rather than two)--so make sure it's done! We'll discuss any questions/comments/concerns and move onto Independence to wrap up chapter 3.

If you come across unfamiliar vocabulary in tonight's homework, I expect you to flip back through the chapter to find out what's being asked--I see this coming up with marginal and conditional distributions.



Shyam said...
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Shyam said...

Is it everyone, or am I just the only one that can't see those "vocab words" in tonight's problem set?