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Friday, December 2, 2011

Weekend HW

Please complete the Chapter 12 Quiz A/C worksheet provided in class. I know we haven't formally named all of these sample types and biases in class, but you should use your notes (from reading the chapter) to help you figure this out. We'll allude to this homework as we push to finish up chapter 12 by Wednesday.

(Our goal is to test on this unit by Christmas break).

Also, the crossword puzzle is an extra credit homework assignment.

We also have a quiz Monday on linear regression. Be sure you can:
1. Interpret slope
2. Interpret y-intercept
3. Interpret the coefficient of determination (R^2)
4. Find correlation given R^2.
5. Calculate a residual (first generate a predicted value with the equation, then find a residual)>

Finally, you all should be working on corrections to make up your test. I will be after school Monday for those who need help with some of the problems.

Enjoy the weekend and I look forward to seeing you all Monday!

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