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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Quiz Tomorrow!

If you were out today you will have to take both quizzes in class tomorrow! (The one described below and the ch. 9 vocab quiz)

Don't forget...we have another quiz tomorrow! The quiz is based on identifying a potentially influential point, and then explaining why it is or is not influential. A few notes...
  • Study Monday's sub work and today's "half sheet" example!
  • Remember, when you write your explanation of why a point is/is not influential, be sure to include the phrase, "When the point is added/removed, the...."
  • Compare the slope, yint, and r of the original data to the data with/without the potentially influential point
  • Outliers and Influential points are not the same thing!
    • When you talk about an outlier, do not comment on how it affects the regression statistics!
For homework, please complete the following problems in your textbook by Monday:

Page 215: 3, 17   and   Page 238: 1, 3, 7

**I would recommend you do these tonight. If you do, you can ask me any questions tomorrow. If you wait until the weekend, you won't be able to ask any questions before the test! Also, if you do this tonight, your only weekend homework will be to study!**

Tomorrow we'll take our quiz, do some multiple choice, and talk about Monday's test! See you all in class!

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