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Monday, April 16, 2018

1 Month

Today we started our final push toward the big day (May 17th). Let's all make a conscious effort to give our best, every day, from here on. We got this.

Don't forget--we have a MANDATORY MEETING after school THURSDAY in the CAFE! 
Head there right after H period so we can get started (and then finish) as quickly as possible)!

*If you were absent on Friday (before break) you must turn in Friday's classwork TOMORROW or you will receive a 0!*
Monday HW = Studying for the Exam!

  • Please COMPLETE and SCORE the 2016 AP Free Response #5 question provided in class (or below).
    1. Time yourself: give yourself 15 minutes to do the FR question! (Then, if you aren't done, use more time and use your notes to finish it up--that's the studying part!)
    2. Score your response using a different color pen/pencil.
      • You must provide a score AND record some notes to earn full homework credit...
        • Notes = why you got the score you did OR
        • Use the sample answers to write the correct response or add anything that was missing (that you'd need to earn essentially correct)
    3. If you do not complete, score, and provide notes (based on your scoring) you will not earn full credit for your homework. 

        • Give yourself a score for each section:
          • Section 1 = "The Math" and Name Interval
            • Score yourself as E,P, or I using the rubric
          • Section 2 = Interpreting the Interval
            • Score yourself as E, P, or I using the rubric
          • Section 3 = parts B and C--the rubric is a little weird here, so read below.
            • Component 1 = Part B
              • If you stated that "it is necessary to check this condition to make sure our sample is large enough for a one-prop z-test," that's pretty close, but you have not satisfied this component.
              • If you state, "It is necessary to check this condition to make sure our sample is large enough so that the sampling distribution for proportions is approximately Normal," then that's perfect.
            • Component 2 = Part C
              • Must state that a 2 prop. z interval would NOT be appropriate because this data was taken from one sample, not two (independent) samples to meet this component
        • Now use the breakdown below to give yourself an overall score of 1-4. Write this at the top of your paper.

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