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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

21 more classes!

Great job today! Let's keep up the good work for 22 more days!

Don't forget--mandatory meeting for all AP students is this Thursday!

Two's Day HW:

Please COMPLETE AND SCORE the 2007 AP Free Response provided in class (or below)--this is all based on today's notes!
  • Score your response using a different color pen/pencil
  • You must provide a score AND record some notes to earn full homework credit...
  • Notes = why you got the score you did OR 
  • Use the sample answers to write the correct response or add anything that was missing (that you'd need to earn essentially correct)

    • For some reason the links to the free response and scoring rubrics are working right now, so here is an image with the rubric
      • This rubric is a bit outdated--you DO NOT have to show the "mechanics" (the formula) for your t-score--you just need the correct t-score, p-value, and df, but don't need work for these (copy your calc screen)
      • Additionally, on more recent exams these "parts" are more often scored as E,P, or I (not just E or I) with E = 1 point, P = 0.5 points, and I = 0 points. You would then add up your total number of points to get your overall score of 1-4
        • However, no fractional scores are given--so if your total was 2.5, the scorers would look at your answer holistically (as a whole) and decide if they should round up to 3 or down to 2

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